Alien Swarm Wiki

Platform XVII is the second map in Nam Humanum.



  1. Look for the elevator
    Things seem to be getting worse by the minute. While unclear as to a definite course of action, we still have ways to go before we reach our end. What's left of Lugdunum's railway could be a worthwhile alternative to get you around the facility. And keep your tech close, it'll save you some headaches with these rails.
  2. Proceed through the complex
    Stay on your guard while moving above ground.
  3. Fix the blockage
    Seeing as we're never short of problems, predictions are that the rail mesh will most likely malfunction past a certain point. That's where you're grateful for your tech.
  4. Reach the research facility's entrance
    Proceed to the railway's term where your next objective awaits.
  5. Bring down the barriers
    Should you come across barriers in your path, please restrain from jumping over. Bring them down to cross the chasm safely.
  6. Take the elevator shaft down
    The elevator at the end of the sector will lead you to the research complex.