Alien Swarm Wiki

Groundwork Labs is the third map in Nam Humanum.



  1. Reach the labs' junction
    Change of plans: we're tearing down this place for good. Gaining access to one of the colony's power cores is our best lead at burying it whole. Thermal readings are all over the place, so be advised as to alien presence. New goal, same deal. This is where it all began. Have someone who knows their stuff in electronics, and give it all you have. Good luck, marines.
  2. Clear your way with the defense system
    It's not exactly clear as to why, but we've grounds to believe that the labs' turret defense system was activated sometime prior to the attacks. Use it to whatever purpose is necessary in reaching your objective.
  3. Assume control of the power core
    If there's a way to bury Lugdunum, the answer lies in the colony's main energy source. Make sure the power core controls are secured and into IAF's hands. Here's hoping one tech is enough for this one.
  4. Overheat the reactor
    WARNING: Initiating the meltdown sequence will cause the colony to collapse in a matter of minutes.
  5. Evacuate the facility before the collapse
    Be fast on your legs and escape through the emergency exit where dropship Snakebite will be there to pick you up.
  6. (Optional) Upload data to the ship
    -unauthorized entry, Ship Command notified-