Alien Swarm Wiki

Flynn does not appear in the Source version of Alien Swarm. He is instead replaced by Vegas.


  • "Ah... the calm before the storm!"
  • "Remember... Short, controlled bursts!"


  • A portrait for Flynn appears in the SDK for Alien Swarm Source, but it is never used and does not have a similar art style to the rest of the marines.
  • There are unused sound files for marines talking to Flynn. Even Vegas (who replaced him) mentions him!

Unused AS:I or 2010 Bio[]

Flynn's face is marred by a huge scar running across his left eye. He's a scrappy born fighter, raised on a grudge-world, settled by warring societies pursuing a deliberate generations-old feud, wracked by perpetual civil war.  He's most comfortable with streetwar, guerrilla tactics, and dirty fighting.  He's also most comfortable with large weapons.  The bigger, the better.  He talks little, his one good eye ever watchful.

AS 2K4 Bio[]

Flynn's face is marred by a huge scar running across his left eye. No one knows much about him, except that he grew up somewhere back on Earth. He talks little, his one good eye ever-watchful. Flynn is an expert at security systems.
