First Anomaly is the last map in Orion's Threat, one of the campaigns introduced in Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop.
- Destroy Swarm Eggs 0/18
- Clear the area
- Access the industrial complex
- Scanner shows that the path ahead is most likely blocked.
- Investigate the blockage and continue the route through industrial complex
- More Eggs to Destroy {revealed after accessing industrial complex}
- Deal with even more Swarm Eggs on the way
- Download data and pass Airlocks {revealed after accessing industrial complex}
- Anomaly {revealed after airlocks are passed}
- Scanner shows strange anomaly on the way
- Investigate it.
- Immediately evacuation {revealed after anomaly is investigated}
- Wait for lift to be clear and evacuate!
- One of the rooms adjacent to the room containing the anomaly contains several weapons and equipment items as well as two Tech-only panels, each connected to a turret on the opposite side of the wall from the panel. One of the weapons is a 50cal with a slightly slower fire rate than a full-auto rifle, a clip size of 200 and no reserve clips.